[Sweet Deals] PrideBites Coupon Code

Use PrideBites coupon code ‘REMIXto score 20% off your next purchase!

RemixTheDog - PrideBites Coupon Code

PrideBites is a dog product company based in the USA! They make customized products for your pup and you get to design everything. Some of the things that they have on the site include, designing your own pet bed, personalized blankets, toys, etc. We loved the idea of being able to put Remix’s face on a toy disk — the process to create it was very simple and all we had to do was upload a few photos. The finished product is amazing and looks exactly like the photos we provided.

RemixTheDog - PrideBites Coupon Code

This piggy disk is another unique toy that we purchased for Remix and it has lasted a very long time! Remix loves using his paws to scratch the pig but also loves playing catch with it. By now, it does look a little worn but compared to his other toys, this pig is in great condition. 😉

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